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What brands are most likely to release NFTs?

What brands are most likely to release NFTs?

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by dapp_writer005

2 years ago

The NFT section was studied by CoinGecko analysts. The main attention was paid to the brands that most often use non-fungible tokens, as well as the analysis of the most active periods.

The peak of work with NFT came in 2021. It was then that companies began to actively use unique assets in their collections. Some of them even worked with the Metaverses.

We have studied brands that are engaged in the provision of various services, and have not previously been related to the industry of cryptocurrencies and NFTs.

The leader in the study was the sector of clothing and other luxury goods. This has included 36% of the total number of reviewed brands. Since 2020, NFT collections have been actively developed and released. Of the well-known brands, it is worth highlighting Adidas, which released the NFT Adidas Originals into the Metaverse and raised 47,000 ETH.

Not inferior in popularity to Nike, Dolce & Gabbana and Gucci. Non-fungible tokens have also been issued by Puma and jewelry brand Tiffany & Co.

The second place - the media industry (about 19%). The most popular - the TIMEPieces NFT collection from Time USA. Trading fees have reached 10,648 ETH. Other well-known names have shown themselves in this sector: Fortune, Reddit, Rolling Stone and Fox Corp.

According to a study in the beverage and food trade, only 4-5 brands own NFT collections.



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