• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M


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Pepe Rescues Trump: New Solana Memecoin with Growth PotentialPepe Rescues Trump (PEPERTRU) is a new Solana memecoin expected to rise over 18,000% soon.
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16 minutes ago

DeXe Protocol's Achievements: Ethereum Launch and DAO ConsolidationDeXe Protocol strengthens its position in decentralized governance with a successful Ethereum launch and DAO asset consolidation.
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16 minutes ago

Meme Coins in the Spotlight: BTFD Coin, Bonk, and TurboAn overview of key meme coins: BTFD Coin, Bonk, and Turbo, their features and potential in the crypto world.
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16 minutes ago

How Tron Outpaced Ethereum in USDT TransfersThe Tron network surpasses Ethereum in USDT stablecoin transfers, reaching $22 billion.
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17 minutes ago

What is Ergo?

Ergo is a flexible blockchain protocol. Ergo is designed for developing decentralized applications with the main focus of providing an efficient, secure and easy way to implement financial contracts. To achieve this goal, Ergo includes various technical and economic improvements to existing blockchain solutions. Every coin in Ergo is protected by a program in Ergo Script, which is a powerful and protocol-friendly scripting language based on Σ-protocols. Using ErgoScript, users can encode the conditions under which coins may be used: who can spend them, when, under what external conditions, to whom, and so on. Extended support for light nodes makes Ergo friendly for end users because it allows running contracts on untrusted commodity hardware.To be usable in the long-term, Ergo follows a survivability approach – it uses widely-researched solutions that do not result in security issues in the future, while also preventing performance degradation over time with a new economic model. Finally, Ergo has a self-amendable protocol that allows it to absorb new ideas and improve itself in the future.

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