Polymath (POLY) provides technologies for creating, issuing and managing security tokens on the blockchain. Polymath has spearheaded the creation of a single standard for security tokens on Ethereum, the ERC 1400, and over 200 tokens have been deployed, using Polymath's Ethereum-based solution.


How does Polymath (POLY) work?

Recognizing that existing blockchains are not enough to meet the regulatory requirements of the capital markets, Polymath has built Polymesh, an institutional-grade blockchain, built specifically for regulated assets. Polymath streamlines legacy processes and opens the door to new financial instruments. The platform is built with all listed features:

Cooperation Active global community.
Regulator Polymath will ensure compliance in the blockchain.
Creation The network is powered by the PLY token.
Liquidity The project aims to be the world's first ST-only exchange.

In general, Polymath wants to do for ST projects what Ethereum has done for ICOs and digital tokens. Polymath was founded while looking for a solution to tokenize a private foundation. During this process, it became clear that complex technical and legal issues make it very difficult to launch securities on the blockchain. This led to a much broader vision: instead of just launching a single tokenized microphone, why not make it easy for anyone to launch a security token. Polymath was borned with this idea. The company has team members and contributors worldwide, as well as a growing roster of over 50 global service providers.

Project uniqueness

Security tokens represent a huge market opportunity, but there are significant barriers to institutional adoption. Polymath removes these barriers with Polymesh, an institutional-grade blockchain, built for security tokens, and the first purpose-built chain of its kind.

The Polymesh Foundations are focused on delivering, through key design principles, the most important elements that issuers and investors need and that institutions and regulators demand: identity, compliance, privacy and governance. Together, these four pillars also support more complex operations such as settlement.

When it comes to creating and managing digital securities, Polymesh’s specificity gives applications, built on it, a distinct advantage over general-purpose blockchains. The dedicated infrastructure bridges the gaps in the standard blockchain architecture to bring the blockchain into line with the requirements of today's capital markets. In addition to the engineering Polymesh, the company has also created a number of on-chain tools that offer non-technical users an intuitive means to access the functionality of the chain. By combining the deep functionality of Polymesh with user-friendly tools, Polymath is transforming capital markets.


After the successful launch of the Polymath platform, POLY was created to interact with the platform. POLY - a utility token that powers Polymath Token Studio on Ethereum and is used by issuers who create and manage security tokens on the platform. Nearly 100,000 wallets hold POLY with 240,000,000 tokens, distributed during launch. POLY's maximum supply - 1 billion. If you want to know where to buy project tokens, the best cryptocurrency exchanges for trading Polymath shares are:

  • Binance;
  • Mandala Exchange;
  • Huobi Global;
  • Crypto.com Exchange;
  • Gate.io.

With the launch of the Polymesh mainnet, ERC20 POLY holders can optionally upgrade their POLY on a 1:1 basis for POLYX. The only POLYX's in existence are those created by the upgrade process and any that are created by the blockchain to receive proof of stake rewards.


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