BNBTURBO - The World’s First Ever Decentralised BNB Smart Contract Passive Earning & Reisidual Earning Opportunity.
Some noteworthy features of the BNBTURBO Smart Contract:
- Decentralised
- a Smart Contract which means that you are in total control, without any third party interference.
- Complete transparency as all transactions are traceable.
- Scam free because no one can close or stop the program for as long as Cryptocurrency exists
With BNBTURBO you:
- Earn 1.6% daily return on your own investment until 240% is received
- 6% direct referrals commission
Matching commision!
- Earn 20% matching commission off your direct referrals daily return
- Earn 10% matching commission off your level 2 referrals daily return
- Earn 5% matching commission off your level 3-5 referrals daily return
- Earn 3% matching commission off your level 6-10 referrals daily return
- Earn 1% matching commission off your level 11-15 referrals daily return
- There is a Daily Top Sponsor Pool which will be equal to 2% of all deposits. Every 24 hours the top 4 sponsors (in terms of BNB volume) will share 10% of the pool as follows: - First 40% - Second 30% - Third 20% - Fourth 10%