· This is a Game Theory DeFi game in which the last person to buy a key at the end of a round wins the pot!
· During a round, people can purchase 1 or more keys which adds time to the timer and marks them as the current leader. With each key purchase during the round, the key price increases slightly.
· Players receive a stream of passive income from the game as keys are bought during the round. These rewards can be withdrawn anytime.
· Players can also refer friends to the game for extra rewards.
· When the timer reaches zero, last person to buy a key wins! (All players who bought a key will also receive a piece!)
When you think about it, as the pot size grows, it’s very unlikely that players would allow millions of dollars worth of BNB be won by another single player. This in turn encourages the constant purchase of keys (keys will be very cheap relative to the eventual pot size, designed for the continuity of the game), which streams rewards to current key holders.