• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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What is Aurora?

Project provides a one-of-a-kind decentralized finance (DeFi) asset. It uses its own ARP protocol to reward users with a long-term fixed interest rate.


Aurora - dapp.expert

Description of the Aurora project

Aurora Reflection Protocol (ARP) — an innovative financial protocol that makes staking easier and more efficient, while also providing $AURA token holders with the most consistent returns in cryptocurrencies.

ARP, which is used in the Aurora token, provides $AURA holders with the following benefits:

1 Automatic compounding has never been easier - you won't have to re-stake your tokens. Interest is calculated and paid automatically in your wallet, ensuring you never miss a payment.
2 Because the $AURA token is always stored in your wallet, it never needs to be transferred to a third party or centralized authority. All you have to do - buy and hold because you will automatically receive rewards in your own wallet, eliminating the need for any complicated staking procedures.
3 The Aurora Insurance Fund (AIF) withholds 5% of all trading fees, which helps to maintain and sustain staking rewards while maintaining price stability and reducing downside risk.

Every 15 minutes, 96 times a day, the project protocol pays reflections to all $AURA token holders, making it the fastest automatic interest calculation protocol in the world. Daily limits are an investor protection system. Aurora Smart Investor Protection System (SIPS) protects liquidity pools from bots and malicious whales, making it the safest reflection token.

This feature prevents someone from accumulating a large supply at launch or selling a large number of reflections at once.Developers

The ARP price and relocation fee is supported by a complex set of factors. It includes the Aurora Insurance Fund (AIF), which acts as an insurance fund to ensure price stability and the long-term viability of the Aurora protocol by paying all $AURA token holders a constant rebase rate of 383,025.81% every 15 minutes.

Features of dapp treasury

The Treasury is the main part of the ARP. It performs three important functions for the growth and long-term viability of the Aurora. The Treasury provides financial support to ARP. This additional support could be critical if the price of the $AURA token falls sharply. This helps to set the minimum price for the $AURA token. The Treasury can also help to fund new Aurora products, services and projects that will expand and add value to the Aurora community, as well as for marketing.

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