• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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What is Colonylab?

Colonylab's vision - to reimagine legacy systems by creating entirely new ones to bring the structural integrity of traditional finance to DeFi, especially the Avalanche ecosystem.

  1. About the Colonylab project
  2. More about defi app


About the Colonylab project

Colony intends to create a properly motivated foundation for the next generation of applications, built on the Avalanche platform. Through a first-of-its-kind funding mechanism, Colony infuses traditional venture capital with a community spirit through open governance, support and engagement. Colony will eventually implement a DAO structure for decentralization.

Distinctive features:

Open control Vote to invest in the Avalanche ecosystem: liquidity provision, early investment, betting program, index.
Awards Receive staking rewards from Avax and future subnets. Earn CLY, purchased by Colony, with the Liquidity Provider Program profits from the Avalanche ecosystem.
Airdrop Get airdrops from Colony's investments in the most promising Avalanche projects.

10% of Colony's capital will be invested in AVAX, which will be wagered. 10% of capital will be invested in the top 10 Avalanche-based projects by market cap, rebalanced quarterly. The community will be able to vote on projects, joining / leaving the Index.

Colony's 50% capital will go to support the best teams and projects, built on Avalanche, fund their growth and help them to grow effectively.Colonylab

30% of Colony's capital will hekp to provide liquidity to the protocols, built on the Avalanche, actively participating in the Avalanche ecosystem. At the heart of Colony is CLY, a unique hybrid token, used to both drive the DAO and influence the value stream of Colony. The developers believe that CLY is a new type of asset that both empowers and controls. The ultimate goal of CLY - to align incentives by creating a systematic harmony between the holders, the protocol and the assets it contains.

More about defi app

Colony will use a network of investment firms, interested in Avalanche projects. This network improves funding efficiency by keeping Avalanche members ready to go to market. Once the projects have “weathered the blow,” they will get an opportunity to focus on development rather than raising capital. Once launched, this end-to-end solution is ready to deliver the project to an existing dependent community, adding another critical efficiency. You can get more information about the coin defi project by examining the data on the main page. Also, the developers maintain a Medium blog, where they publish introductory articles and news. There are future updates in the RoadMap.

From social networks, the community leads:

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