Pink Protein - an investment platform, based on the blockchain.
Protein does not have a fixed price. Higher TVL (total blocked value) is more Protein on AVAX, lower TVL is less Protein. This creates a level playing field so no user can be late. There is no calculator to calculate. The daily percentage is up to 8%. It depends on your "drinking" habits, the time of day you "pump" or deposit, and TVL fluctuations. The average daily yield is 5-6%.
Drinking habits affect rewards, if you drink a lot of Protein your daily percentage drops. If you started with a small deposit, it will take time for the dApp to show up. A daily increase in TVL can result in a decrease in daily interest. If you are always drinking, your daily percentage will drop drastically and not get the highest daily profit. This is an anti-whale mechanism that prevents the whale from depleting TVL.
Re-shaking is the same as compounding. You will need to pay the standard Avalanche gas fee for each shake. Proteins are miners, hired by AVAX and working to get your reward.
Other features:
1 | Pink Protein Miner — a locked reward pool. |
2 | You receive your initial refund over time through the "My Rewards" section of the dApp. |
Your referrals are displayed in the "My Rewards" section of the miner's decentralized application. Referrals make up 12% of the deposit, 1 AVAX deposit is equal to 0.12 AVAX. All deposits and withdrawals from Pink Protein Miner are subject to a 4% fee.
The contract is designed to ensure optimal entry for all users, new or old. For this reason, the number of tokens on AVAX often fluctuates with TVL fluctuations. This will ensure a level playing field for any new user, coming to Pink Protein, and does not give the first user an advantage.