• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
BNB Pool by BNB Ocean logo

BNB Pool by BNB Ocean

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What is BNB Pool by BNB Ocean?

BNB Pool by BNB Ocean provides stability in a volatile market and an advanced DeFi protocol to generate income from BNB or BUSD. The improved acceleration mechanism returns the edge to farmers who are serious about income.

BNB Pool by BNB Ocean - a system with fixed income

BNB Pool by Ocean offers stability in volatile markets and a passive income solution through liquidity mining and farming. The BNB Ocean protocol offers protection against a downtrend while generating market-independent returns.

Farm contracts are settled in BNB and BUSD, allowing investors to choose the level of risk appropriate to the market risk.BNB Pool by BNB Ocean

To start earning income, exchange your BNB or BUSD for hashes (GHz) and your hashes will immediately start producing BNB or BUSD. Use this to hedge the market as all contracts are settled in the base currency.

Distinctive features:

1. Protect the value of your assets while generating income and mitigate market risks.
2. A powerful user interface ensures a smooth interaction with the BNB Ocean ecosystem.
3. Users are rewarded for participating in the liquidity pool through yield multipliers and bonuses.

By creating a single pool of assets, the collective value can help to offer a stable income by providing income to lenders. Advanced strategies reduce potential risks through classic farming.

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