• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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Golden Beans

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What is Golden Beans?

We are the BNB-AllStars team, a renowned and trusted
collective with a track record of successful ventures in
the blockchain space. Our commitment to innovation
drives us, ensuring we consistently bring forth
groundbreaking solutions and novel offerings to the
community. The Golden Beans contract maintains ownership of BNB.
When BNB is roasted the “buy price” determines the amount
of BEANS provided. When BEANS are brewed the “sell price”
determines the amount of BNB provided.
After BEANS are roasted, if you have any dividends you can
elect to “dark roast”, which provides more BEANS at the
current “buy price”. Alternatively one can “withdraw” dividends,
receiving BNB.
6% Roast and Withdrawal fees are applied and sent to the
team for project development and marketing.
Roasters can receive a 33% referral bonus by building a team
of roasters. The referring address must hold a minimum of 1
BEANS to be awarded a referral bonus. The Early Roaster program is to help build an army of roasters
who plan to hold onto their BEANS for the long term. Early
Roasters are limited to a maximum purchase of 1 BNB.
The owner can add new barista accounts, change the Proof of
Bean amount of BEANS held to receive a referral bonus,
increase the early roaster maximum purchase amount, and
disable the early roaster program exactly once.

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Important disclaimer: The information presented on the Dapp.Expert portal is intended solely for informational purposes and does not constitute an investment recommendation or a guide to action in the field of cryptocurrencies. The Dapp.Expert team is not responsible for any potential losses or missed profits associated with the use of materials published on the site. Before making investment decisions in cryptocurrencies, we recommend consulting a qualified financial advisor.