• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M


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Sony Announces Launch of Soneium Blockchain Platform on MainnetSony unveiled the Soneium blockchain platform on the mainnet for revolutionizing solutions across industries.
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10 minutes ago

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12 minutes ago

Sigma Capital Announced $100M Fund Launch to Promote Web3 GloballySigma Capital launches a new $100M fund to support Web3 innovations in UAE and worldwide, including DeFi and asset tokenization.
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13 minutes ago

What is Hangout?

Hangout — a 2D pixel massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). It is a completely decentralized world, developed by its users. You can create, own and monetize your gaming experience while enjoying various social, business and entertainment activities on 9 different blockchains in one Web3 metaverse. With Hangout, the possibilities are endless. You can host a party with friends, organize an online meeting with colleagues, show your NFTs to other players, play games or just chat with like-minded people.


Hangout - a pixel game platform

Gaming ecosystem Hangout on BNB Chain

Hangout creates a unique virtual lifestyle, full of leisure, discovery and business. Hangout Metaverse — a digital world, where users explore the continent from 9 distinct regions, corresponding to different network environments. New regions will be continually opened up in Hangout as the community develops new blockchain integrations, turning Hangout into a robust multi-chain Metaverse. The first region, opened to adventurers, is the Ethereum Flatlands.

Other features:

1. Hangout LAND — a set of standard ERC-721 assets, also known as non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
2. Owning a LAND asset means that you will also own the in-game space, associated with that LAND asset.
3. LAND owners can customize their space with access to special features of the Hangout Metaverse, such as playing music, creating game quests and decorating the space with in-game objects and NFTs from Hangout partner projects.

Ethereum Flatlands contains 4752 land plots, available for purchase. The number of lots, available in other regions, will vary, but the total number will not exceed 80,000.

The lands include an outer area (L1) at fixed coordinates, filled with prefabricated buildings and scenery. Each piece of land has an exclusive interior area or building (L2), accessible from the entrance to the building. Landowners can customize their L2 spaces with new features and decorations as they become available for earning, trading or buying.

What else can you do in the crypto game?

You can customize your territory in game edit mode. Some features include but are not limited to replacing or customizing building structures, decorations and NPCs.

In the future, Hangout will provide custom in-game development features, completely independent style creation, and access to online business tools.Developers

You can have fun and chat with friends, win and unlock in-game items and prizes, and trade your items in the Hangout store. Users can perform DeFi operations on land, corresponding to the DeFi project (such as Uniswap).

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