• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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What is Olive.Cash?

Olive Cash — a Binance Smart Chain profit growing and staking platform (powered by Pancakeswap).


About the Olive.Cash project

OliveCash — a DEX cross-chain, based on the BSC and Avalanche platforms. This is very similar to PancakesSwap, but provides some additional functionality as well. Olive - the platform's native token. Olive oils, obtained as a result of the first mechanical pressing without additional processing, are called natural, and their quality depends on the condition of the fruit. Only the oils of the best fruits are suitable for consumption without further processing. Rest assured that all olives are the best ripe fruits, harvested from plantations in Spain, Italy and Greece.

OliveSwap — a decentralized exchange for exchanging ERC-20 tokens.Olive.Cash

OliveSwap implements the AMM model. You are trading against a pool of liquidity. These pools are populated with funds from other users. They contribute them to the pool, receiving liquidity provider (or LP) tokens in return. They can use these tokens to return their share plus a portion of the trading fees.

Features of using the project:

1 Once you have LP tokens, you can stake them to earn OLIVE. Go to the Farms tab and select the option that matches your LP tokens.
2 You will need to approve the transfer of tokens - this is what allows the contract to revoke them on your behalf.
3 When you click “Approve Contract”, a pop-up window appears, asking you to confirm the transaction and display the commission.

After confirming the transaction, simply select the amount you want to wager and confirm it. You can leave the page and come back at any time to check how much OLIVE you have earned. If you would like to claim your rewards, click on "Harvest" and confirm the transaction.

What else should you know?

Developers blog on the Medium platform. There are regularly published articles with project news. The platform website is designed in English and Chinese.

From social networks, the community actively conducts:

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