• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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Pizza Tower

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What is Pizza Tower?

Pizza Tower - a blockchain game where you have to build a huge pizzeria tower.

Pizza Tower - a platform for earning tokens through the creation of pizzerias

By playing Pizza Tower, you can earn passive income in BNB cryptocurrency. By hiring chefs, you increase the profitability of your pizzeria. Chefs work under an indefinite contract and accept payment in Pizza Coins.

Pizza Coins are used to hire new employees and improve your pizzeria. You can purchase them with BNB.Pizza Tower

Your pizzeria generates income in Pizza bucks. You can freely exchange your Pizza bucks for BNB at any time without any fees.

There is a kitchen on every floor of your pizzeria. The higher the floor and the level of the kitchen, the more profit it brings. Revenue from all floors goes to the cashier every hour. Collecting profit every day, you will receive Pizza bucks to your account. It is important to collect income on a daily basis, otherwise you may lose some of the profits.

Its affiliate program will allow you to receive 7% in Pizza Coins and 3% in Pizza bucks from the deposit amount of each invited participant!

If you want to complete the game, you can sell your business at any time and get Pizza bucks, equivalent to 14 days of tower operation. But at the same time, you will stop receiving passive income.

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