• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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Sing To Earn

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What is Sing To Earn?

Sing To Earn — a Web3 application on the BNB Chain blockchain that allows you to sing and earn money through social and financial elements.


Sing To Earn - dapp.expert

About Sing To Earn

SING2EARN is based on the daily leisure activities of most people. This is the first project, where the concept of singing and making money becomes more effective. With the "Sing To Earn" trend, the site aims to lead millions of people to a healthier lifestyle, combat social evils and connect the public to Web 3.0 while tapping into its Social-Fi aspect to build a long-term platform that incentivizes user-generated content.

To get started, users need to download the Sing2Earn karaoke app. Once you have accessed the application on the respective device, you will be able to register with your email address. You will receive a confirmation code that you must use to enter the application. In the app, click the "Connect Wallet" icon, the app will automatically connect to your available DEX wallet, such as the Metamask wallet. The S2E and K2E in the wallet are connected to the app, so you can use them to buy NFT Micros on the market. Go to the NFT marketplace and select Micro.

S2E/K2E will be paid after each song, depending on the following main factors:

Micro type Basically, different types of Micro have different styles.
Rarity There are many types of Micro with different levels and opportunities to earn.
Energy It will decrease after each chant and reduce the amount of earned S2E.
Activity level Each user has 20 points per day, 1 point will be deducted after each song, this number of points determines whether the user will be rewarded with K2E tokens.

Sing2Earn NFT Marketplace is included in the Sing2Earn ecosystem, allowing users to exchange, buy and sell, and especially create their own NFTs and trade directly on the marketplace.

In the Sing2EarnKaraoke app, users are equipped with an NFT-shaped microphone to perform their chosen song and earn tokens.SingToEarn

Energy is needed to earn K2E. Each microphone contains 100 energy, which will decrease after each chant, reducing the amount of earned K2E. To fix this issue, users will need GEM to repair or upgrade Micro

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Microphones are battery operated, after a period of use, users should change the battery every 3 months to avoid interruptions. Each microphone contains 100 energy points, which will decrease after each singing. Users need GEM to enable, this action is also known as a micro-repair and upgrade mission. The Mystery Box is a loot box that drops randomly while you play your songs or can be purchased from the marketplace. The Mystery Box has a full set of NFT microelements of different rarity and characteristics.

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