• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M


Total Users
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The total fiat value of assets in a dapp's smart contracts
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Spongebob Miner — a project, built on BNB Chain. Build your business and hire workers. This, in turn, will allow you to earn BUSD faster. You will earn a daily profit of 10%. Once you have hired workers, they cannot be sold or returned.


Spongebob Miner - an investment program with daily rewards

How does Spongebob Miner work?

The investment model of Spongebob Miner charges a mandatory fee within 24 hours, and the next investment cycle is subject to the requirements of the previous fee. You can buy new employees by making reinvestments to maximize your return on investment. Thus, weekly prizes are allowed to be withdrawn at a rate of 50%.

For every investment your friend makes, you get 10% with a 50% withdrawal option. The remaining 50% goes to reinvestment.Spongebob Miner

The Spongebob Miner team has developed several anti-dumping and anti-China measures to ensure the longevity of the project. These measures include the maximum number of deposits, as well as the shutdown time and recovery time for withdrawals.

Return cycles:

1. The return cycle will be based on the first run between investment and 7-day decay cycles.
2. Any investment must be processed in accordance with the first cycle, which allows early withdrawal of funds within 7 days for a second investment.

By default, the required number of connections for the platform - 10. This means that the user will have to connect 10 times (connection every 12 hours) before they can withdraw funds without 80% feedback tax. This feature will essentially ensure the longevity and stability of the project. To be able to use the bonus rehiring feature, the player must not connect before the specified timer reaches 00:00:00.

Additional functions

For investors who choose not to play the game and only sell, an 80% tax will be charged on those sales that remain in the contract. If a player makes two or more sales in a row, this tax will apply. The only way for a user not to pay the 80% tax - to connect 10 times before withdrawing money again.

Be sure to claim rewards every week by using the rewards button. As soon as the rewards are requested, the next cycle of rewards will begin. If you decide to withdraw from the BIKINI BOTTOM coffers, the commission for the previous contract will be deducted. Early termination of the contract is not allowe.

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