• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M


Total Users
- No data available.
The fiat value of incoming dapp transactions over a period of time
- No data available.
Contract Balance
The total fiat value of assets in a dapp's smart contracts
- No data available.
- No data available.
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What is Swirge?

Swirge — a decentralized social network, built on the Binance smart chain. It gives people full control over user data and privacy. No censorship or deletion of user data. The developers do not track or sell user data, so your privacy is guaranteed.



About the Swirge project

Swirge has built a decentralized social media, marketplace and payment platform on the blockchain that is focused on giving people complete control over user account data and privacy.

With Swirge platforms, no one can censor your data and you have complete control over your expression.Swirge

The platforms are available in the Google Playstore for Android and the Apple App Store for iOS. All Swirge platforms are currently in public beta, where all bugs are discovered and patched by the community to help to create the best project for everyone.

The Swirge marketplace has made buying and selling easier:

1 You can monitor and manage your sales from the platform, as well as track your purchases, arrival dates and delivery details.
2 You can create customized stores with your own unique features.
3 Swirge also provided an organized dashboard where you can withdraw and transfer your earnings directly to your bank account or any payment method of your choice.

Swirgе — an ecosystem that embodies decentralized social networks, a decentralized financial system and a market on the Binance smart chain. Firstly, to protect users' data and information and give them complete control over their data. Secondly, empower users to create wealth through communication and the ability to manage their finances.

What else should you know?

It is a unique platform as it is a completely decentralized system. It gives users complete control over their data and also protects users' data and information. With this project, your privacy is guaranteed. The platform allows you to create wealth and manage your finances. It is a decentralized marketplace for safe and fast peer-to-peer buying and selling on the platform.

The site has an About section. You will find information about the project there. Also, the developers maintain a blog, where articles about the platform are available. From social networks, the community leads:

Subscribe to stay up to date with all news and updates. The smart contract has not been audited.

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