• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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What is XPLUS?

With XPLUS, the team takes the concept of social media to a completely different level. The platform is not only an advanced social networking platform, but also enables Xers (users) to earn from their social activities and social interactions.



XPLUS gaming platform

The evolutionary XPLUS ecosystem plays an important role in creating sustainable social change on BNB Chain. XPLUS believes that communication is essential in everyone's daily life and communication has economic value.

In XPLUS Metaverse, you create your own world. You own your own planet and build your own economy. Everything is possible on XPlanet because you own it and you have the power and control to build your virtual planet on your own terms. Your XPlanet has three main areas: your citizens, your interactions and your portfolio of assets. As you spend more time building your XPlanet in the three main areas, your XPlanet will level up both in terms of power and level.

Other features:

1. Chat with your friends in XPLUS. Each interaction increases your mining power.
2. Whether your interaction is a text message, a phone call, a like, a repost, a comment, and/or a follow, every interaction counts.
3. XPT — a community token, used in the XPLUS ecosystem. XPT holders can purchase premium content, purchase Xer avatars and create a Planet (Business).

$XPLUS token holders participate in the Governance DAO. $XPLUS holders can vote on decisions that affect the future of XPLUS.

During the initial stages of XPLUS, the founding team and advisors will work together to run the DAO. As more $XPLUS tokens are distributed to the community and the public, governance will gradually become more decentralized.

An XPLUS Governance Forum will be organized where $XPLUS holders will be able to share their views and submit suggestions for improving XPLUS. The weight of the voting rights of each holder is proportional to the number of tokens that the holder owns.

Other crypto game features

The ecosystem has an XPLUS cryptocurrency wallet that allows X users to send and receive cryptocurrencies. The XPLUS wallet is a place where X users can securely store their crypto assets. Xers can increase their income simply by depositing their cryptocurrencies into their XPlanet, thereby unlocking various earning levels.

XPLUS offers alternative savings and investment options for X users. XPLUS helps crypto investors to easily observe, track, invest, allocate their assets. Xers can benefit from using XPLUS AI financial system tools to invest, build a business, transfer assets to friends, and more.

All financial investments contribute to the XPLUS financial ecosystem and Xers can increase their mining power with these services.XPLUS

Creating an XPLUS business makes it easier for other X users to discover and interact with brands in the Metaverse. XPLUS creates a business environment for Xers to create and manage their own brands on their XPlanet. Products and services can be easily bought and sold with XPLUS Business and XPLUS payment. The more items Xers buy and sell, the more mining power they unlock.

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