• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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Ponzi Protocol

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What is Ponzi Protocol?

Ponzi Protocol — the next generation APY ultra-high passive income protocol on the Cronos blockchain. It is designed for sustainable, safe and highly profitable investment growth. Ponzi Protocol offers a whopping 1,000,000% variable annual compound interest through issuance and automatic accrual. 0.008875% reward every 5 minutes, 288 times a day, which equates to approximately 2.556% daily return on your ever growing investment. In addition, the protocol automatically rewards 2.5% of total trading volume to $PPCoin holders in $WCRO.


Ponzi Protocol - dapp.expert

About Ponzi Protocol

It is a next-generation automated staking protocol on the Cronos blockchain that rewards its holders with a super-high APY variable and $WCRO rewards while maintaining a fair percentage of taxation.

Auto-Staking — the main feature, built into the Ponzi Protocol.Ponzi Protocol

This feature works by elastically increasing the total supply of tokens, which, in turn, increases each holder's balance relative to their current balance, since the balance is proportional to the total supply. Basically, this means you don't have to \increase each user's balance, you just need to increase the total supply and calculate the user's proportional balance on each transfer.

Other features:

1 Ponzi Protocol offers an amazing APY variable of 1,000,000%.
2 The Ponzi protocol releases and automatically awards rewards of 0.008875% every 5 minutes 288 times a day, which equates to an approximate return of ~2.556% every day.

With each sale, a percentage of tokens is burned. This is important because the staking reward is calculated from the circulating supply (supply minus burned tokens) and not from the total supply (supply with included burned tokens), meaning that a large volume of tokens will slow down APY a bit and may even make the token temporarily deflationary. With each sale, PonziProtocol burns 5% of the amount of the transaction token, fighting the inflation of automatic staking. If the volume is high enough, the token can even become temporarily deflationary, while rewarding holders with very high APY. After burning, these tokens disappear from circulation forever.

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With each purchase and sale, 2.5% of the total transaction amount is set aside, which is converted as follows: half into tokens and half into CRO, which is equivalent to the amount of the token. They are entered into the liquidity pool at the current price. This effectively fights big sell-offs.

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