Evrloot  Game - dapp.expert
Category: Game Blockchain: Polcadot Language: English Platform: Web

Evrloot: discovering the world in search of treasures

Evrloot is a unique gaming experience that combines simple forms of interaction and composable NFTs powered by RMRK. Influenced by dark fantasy and inspired by classic role-playing games such as Diablo II or Dark Souls, Evrloot offers a world filled with treasures and an exciting plot. The game is enriched with D&D-style storytelling, where the plot advances both with the player's progress and through global events that change the world for everyone at the same time.


Evrloot Gameplay

At the heart of the gameplay are the players' characters, called "Souls." A player can have multiple characters, each with a unique class. Three classes will be available at launch:

Class Description
Berserker An unstoppable force on the battlefield, armed with dual weapons.
Ranger Strikes enemies from a distance and can equip companions for joint combat.
Alchemist Master of potions, elixirs, and smokes.

Characters will have visual differences, such as hairstyles and wounds. Each character will have slots for equipping weapons, armor, and jewelry, enhancing their effectiveness. Using the power of RMRK, each character will also have a set of characteristics that will become important as the game progresses. All Souls will have a total of 8 equipment slots.

The World and Mechanics of Estra

The world of Estra — is a beautiful world where characters were born. Set in the medieval era, Estra consists of several large continents, mostly separated by water. In the first act of Evrloot, you will follow the story of brave Souls who join Captain Rhys, traveling to the Dunes of Trakan, a mysterious city surrounded by a vast desert.

Players can send their Souls on various missions:

  • Resource missions;
  • Class-specific missions;
  • Story missions.

One of the game's unique features is the ability of players to own the items they find or create in-game, allowing them to trade and sell them. This has laid the foundation for the game's economy, blurring the boundaries between the gaming and real world.

Perks for Early Users

The game developers highly value early users who support the project, so they will have access to special bonuses at the start, including an Amulet that increases the chances of successful missions.

We also do not forget about those who participated in the great battles for the Book of Lore. Bookholders will definitely benefit from holding this asset. Even if you have a single page, you will find a use for it in the game.

Evrloot represents an exciting dive into a world of dark fantasy with role-playing elements, where every player can influence the plot and the world as a whole. The creation of unique characters equipped with NFTs, interaction with the economy inside and outside the game, and the ability to influence the plot make Evrloot a unique gaming platform. 

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Evrloot: discovering the world in search of treasures Statistics

24 hr: 0
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ATH: 0
(Jul 27, 2024)
24 hr: 0
Total: 0
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ATH: 0
(Jul 27, 2024)
24 hr: 0
Total: 0
(2400 days)
ATH: 0
(Jul 27, 2024)

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