World renowned craftsman Wagmi-san, known for his largest ornamental accessories, recently opened a shop in New Tokyo, called 10KTF.
About 10KTF project
Each item, available in 10KTF, requires the user to own the corresponding parent NFT in order to create. For example, for Ape High Tops, only Bored Ape owners can craft and mint Ape High Tops. Moreover, only one High Top Ape can be minted for each Bored Ape, so a maximum of 10,000 characters can be created, one for each corresponding Bored Ape. You can download PNG for free or mint an item in Ethereum for 0.05 ETH + gas fee.
The project uses a specially crafted ERC 721, compliant smart contract, to enable users to create NFT derivatives from their existing NFTs. The smart contract ensures that only the current owner of the NFT can create a derivative NFT and that only one NFT will be minted for each respective parent NFT.
If you want to become part of the team, send your suggestions. Note, however, that 10KTF elements can only be created for NFT projects that grant commercial rights to their owners. The site currently only supports Metamask. To use 10KTF, upload a wallet, containing your NFTs to Metamask.
Dapp on social networks
There are no WhitePaper and RoadMap documents on the site. You can get more information about the project through the "About" section, as well as through the answers to the questions that are available at the bottom of the main page.
From social networks, the community actively conducts:
- twitter;
- discord.
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