async art dapp-
async art
Category: Others Blockchain: Ethereum Language: English Platform: Web

async art - Ethereum platform for artists

async art - an experimental art movement that arose from the question "what does art look like, when can it be programmed?". The latest advancement in art has been the ability to label and sell art online by using Ethereum.


  1. Description of dapp async art
  2. The economy of the Ethereum platform
  3. More about blockchain project

Description of dapp async art

Making async art is an amazing first step and it mimics the physical world at work. Nowadays, contemporary art takes full advantage of the advantages of digital media.

This platform allows you to buy both Master and Layers. The Master is a piece of art that you find on any traditional platform. async art

And the layers are the separate parts that make up the master image. Both the Masters and the Layers are tokenized on the Ethereum blockchain. Once launched, the master token continually checks its Layer tokens and updates its appearance, based on the input from the Layer owners. The platform is suitable for both artists and collectors:

Collectors When you buy a layer, you have the opportunity to influence the work of your favorite artists. Layers are endowed with special abilities, defined by the artist. When you change something on a layer, the master image will reflect that no matter who owns it.
Artists You decide the parameters of your art yourself. It can change as little or as much as you want. Your art may change, based on the contents of the owner's wallet, or, perhaps, with a link to real-time weather data.

Art has become programmable and it's only limited by your imagination.

The economy of the Ethereum platform

Master and Layer tokens are minted separately. The whole idea of ​​Async Art is that the appearance of an artwork can always change. If you already have a cash wallet, go to the gallery to start your search for items. The company is currently adhering to a standby auction format. The owner of the work reserves the right to accept the current highest bid. The bidding format may change in the future, but right now this is what the developers think is the most fair for the artist. He can determine the value of his art by putting in a lot of effort to create each piece of art. Async charges 10% for the initial sale and artists get 90% (this applies to both the Master and each Layer). For secondary sales, artists get 10% and Async gets 1%.

More about blockchain project

To get answers to your questions, go to the project's social networks:

  • Discord;
  • Twitter.

You will learn more about all nuances of the project, familiarize yourself with the roadmap, take part in competitions and chat with other users here.

Dapp async art

async art - Ethereum platform for artists Statistics

24 hr: 0
Total: 2.624
(2400 days)
ATH: 44
(Mar 1, 2020)
24 hr: 0
Total: 4.852
(2400 days)
ATH: 2.426
(May 25, 2022)
24 hr: 0
Total: 7.568
(2400 days)
ATH: 403
(Mar 1, 2020)

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