Bored Weird Vitalik Club  Collectibles -
Bored Weird Vitalik Club
Category: Collectibles Blockchain: Ethereum Language: English Platform: Web

Bored Weird Vitalik Club - collector's edition of characters

Bored Weird Vitalik Club — a collection of 10,000 NFTs - unique digital collectibles that live on the Ethereum blockchain. Your Bored Vitalik serves as your Moon Club membership card and provides access to member-only benefits, the first of which - access to THE MOON BAR. Future areas and perks can be unlocked by the community through RoadMap activation.


Bored Weird Vitalik Club -

About the Bored Weird Vitalik Club

Each Bored Vitalik is unique and programmatically generated from different trait types. Every feature is meticulously drawn and crafted, including facial expressions, headwear, clothing, accessories, and more. NFTs with Vitalik are stored as ERC-721 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain and hosted on IPFS. To access member-only areas such as THE MOON BAR, Vitalik owners will need to log into their Metamask wallet. When you buy an NFT, you're not buying just an avatar or a provably rare piece of art. You get membership access to the club, the benefits and offers of which will increase over time. Your NFT can serve as your digital identity and open digital doors for you.

Terms of use:

1 Get the Metamask extension for Chrome or Firefox.
2 Download it with ETH through services that allow you to exchange money for ETH, such as Coinbase, Binance or Kraken.
3 Click the "MINT" button on the top banner to connect your wallet and confirm the transaction on Metamask.

The team works with several major Twitter influencers and famous NFT calendars. The Bored Weird Vitalik club will also be promoted through traditional channels. Bored Weird Vitalik NFT will appear in the metamask wallet. You can also see your fresh NFT art right on your and Rarible accounts.

More about new nft dapp

Buying a Bored Vitalik is more than just getting an avatar or a unique piece of art to showcase. You are joining a club whose privileges and functions will only grow in the future. You can use your Bored Weird Vitalik as a digital key to access many digital doors and online resources.

Dapps Bored Weird Vitalik Club
Dapp Bored Weird Vitalik Club
Bored Weird Vitalik Club dapps

Bored Weird Vitalik Club - collector's edition of characters Statistics

24 hr: 0
Total: 423
(2400 days)
ATH: 43
(Feb 25, 2022)
24 hr: 0
Total: 65.686
(2400 days)
ATH: 32.413
(May 6, 2022)
24 hr: 0
Total: 706
(2400 days)
ATH: 57
(Feb 25, 2022)

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