• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M

Dailydivs Network

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What is Dailydivs Network?

Dailydivs Network is an open source, mathematically verifiable Ethereum smart contract. In addition, you can earn ETH with it. In simple terms, the contract is responsible for issuing a certain amount of DDN tokens to the one who gives him ETH.


About the Dailydivs Network platform

The Daily Divs Network, or DDN, is an open source, fair and verifiable Ethereum smart contract. Plus, it can also issue ETH if you want to sell your DDN back under contract. The math, used in this contract, is also simplified. In addition, a refund is available. In addition, dividends are fully distributed to ensure full liquidity and proper distribution of all ETH.

New service function, allows external contracts to receive and enable incoming DDN. This can affect the overall DDN offering and, in fact, its price. The ultimate feature of the treaty - taxes. ETH is distributed here proportionally among all DDN holders. Also, you can buy your own additional DDNs. There is no White Paper on the platform, so you can get all necessary information through the website, mail or social networks.

Features of the Dailydivs Network

Along with the main DDN exchange, there are currently 3 main contracts that use DDN tokens:

  • bet;
  • union;
  • case.

A bet - a simple “interest per day” contract, where the DDN token is used as collateral as well as a source of dividends. The investor earns 1.25% per day with no commission on deposits, but if you want to liquidate your position, a 20% commission will be applied to your capital investment.

Description of the types of casinos on the Dailydivs Network:

Cases Players can buy cases in the hopes of multiplying their DDN output for each ETH input. There are 4 available cases in each round, and after the purchase of the final version, an RNG request is sent.
Somersault Players can flip a coin in the hopes of gaining access to dividends from future flips, as well as the opportunity to win the jackpot. The current round is a countdown to the target block. The round will be reset and the last 3 successful flips will receive a portion of the jackpot prize.
Capture Become the current holder to gain access to passive dividends as other players try to take your seat from you. There is also a progressive jackpot prize that any capture attempt can win.

Union - where players have a chance to increase their profitable dividend. The shares you get are fair thanks to the random number generator. Half of this DDN pool will be proportionally distributed among all shares, and the other half will be automatically reinvested.

Exchanges on Dailydivs Network

Customers can purchase DDN tokens with ETH, which, once held, will pay dividends from all other purchases and sales proportional to their token balance in relation to the total supply. The price for a token depends on the total supply. Therefore, when the total supply increases and the price of the token increases. Tokens can also be sold back to the contract and the seller will receive a payout in ETH.

There is a base price per token that increases, according to the overall DDN offering. This "true price" helps to calculate the buy and sell prices. The base price per token - 0.001 ETH.Dailydivs Network

The purchase of DDN tokens is subject to a dividend tax of 20%, which goes to all owners proportionally. Thus, the price is 25% (1 / 0.8) higher than the actual contract price. As with the purchase, the sale of DDN tokens is subject to a dividend tax of 5%, which will be distributed proportionally to all holders, and, therefore, the price will be 5% lower than the actual contract price.

Money transactions in dapp

As more volume flows through the contract, this will affect both the true price of the token and the total amount of paid dividends. Any client of the Dailydivs Network can withdraw their dividends directly to their wallet or reinvest them in the purchase of additional DDNs. DDN complies with ERC-20 standard. It can be approved and transferred like any other token, the only difference - you also transfer the ability to receive dividends from these tokens. All transactions on the Ethereum network cost gas. You choose the gas price that you are willing to spend on this transaction. If you want to stay up to date with all news, subscribe to the telegram channel, there are already more than 2000 participants.

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