• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M

Diamond Hands

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What is Diamond Hands?

Diamond Hands is a decentralized finance (DeFi) project providing asset freezing services to prevent premature sales and potential financial losses. The project facilitates the freezing of digital assets under three specific conditions, enhancing user control over their investment strategies. These conditions are:

1. Price-based Freezing: Users can freeze their assets until they reach a specific target price, measured against Ethereum or stablecoins.

2. Date-based Freezing: Allows users to set a freeze duration ranging from one day to any predefined period. This can be managed through a user interface or directly via smart contract interactions for precision.

3. Condition-based Freezing: Assets are frozen until predetermined market conditions are met, allowing users to plan exits based on market behavior.

The service supports multiple blockchain integrations, making it accessible and interoperable across various platforms, including:

Ethereum – 0xc6080AA875c89D55B8f4e61871a5fE1ee6febE9d

Polygon – 0xBFB179f64b97378263E578f7b773258cd6E012C7

Binance – 0xEc5b7D87F3CA6e82aD194b0E1608a4b2dD927CE5

Base – 0xd382b34F0b7878561A3955cef0000561a1973026

Arbitrum – 0xE78CdaCD7329121517A1f40908e12A18c76E7928

Blast – 0x14b14A0Fa2D539c5fa77cabde238740393A8bb95

The smart contract that manages the asset freezing is fully verified, ensuring transparency and security for users. Diamond Hands also maintains an active GitHub repository where users can access the latest updates and technical details. https://github.com/Diamond-Hands-App

Additionally, the platform offers a referral program aimed at enhancing user engagement and retention by providing transaction fee discounts and rewards for referrals.

Diamond Hands is open to partnerships to extend its services to broader audiences and enhance platform offerings through collaborative efforts in the DeFi ecosystem.

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