• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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Total Users
- No data available.
The fiat value of incoming dapp transactions over a period of time
- No data available.
Contract Balance
The total fiat value of assets in a dapp's smart contracts
- No data available.
- No data available.


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What is DTNet?

DTNet stands for "Decentralized Trade Network". It is a margin trading platform where transactions are conducted between anonymous colleagues on the Ethereum blockchain network, without banks, brokers or other intermediaries.


DTNet dapp

DTNet project description

DTNet is a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) that operates completely autonomously and automatically, with almost zero operating costs. This allows you to waive any of the usual brokerage fees, such as transaction fees, price margins and interest on "borrowed" amounts. The only platform fee - 1% of the profit, it is deducted from the profit to close the contract or the call margin.

Some features:

Firstly To trade on DTNet, all you need is a compatible browser (Google Chrome or Firefox) and an Ethereum Metamask add-on wallet.
Secondly DTNet does not require any registrations, you can trade directly from your Ethereum account.
Thirdly When you buy or sell stocks, indices or other financial instruments, you do not have to invest the entire amount of money to make a trade, it is only necessary to guarantee potential investment losses.

DTNеt is a peer-to-peer platform without intermediaries, it does not gain anything from simply spending unnecessary funds, unlike traditional brokerage firms. One of the founding principles of DeFi (decentralized finance) - "don't trust, check".

Smart contracts operate in a decentralized anonymous contactless environment that is open with all information and available to everyone.DTNet

DTNet provides links to third party transactions (e.g. Etherscan.io) where you can check smart contract balances, transaction dates, see and check your own DTNet transactions, and so on.

All transactions are peer-to-peer transactions between two parties:

  • buyer;
  • seller.

At any time, either party can decide to terminate the transaction and realize either profit or loss. To close a contact, simply go to the My Deals page, find the contract you want to close and click the Close button. While instruments are tracked in their native (USD) currency, trading itself is conducted in ETH. This simplifies the process and eliminates unnecessary costs for an ETH / USD conversion. Trading peers invest ETH, positions are held in ETH at the Ethereum smart contract address, and payments are made in ETH.

Additional information

Instead of White Paper and RoadMap documents, the site contains a section with answers to questions, as well as instructions for working. The community has not yet conducted social networks. The smart contract doesn't have an audit.

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