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  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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Euler Beats Enigma

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What is Euler Beats Enigma?

Euler Beats Enigma — a limited edition of algorithmically generated art + music, based on Euler's number. Genesis (27 NFT) and Enigma (27 NFT) are two sides of Euler's record. The EulerBeats smart contract extends the ERC-1155 Ethereum multi-token standard to create unique original tokens and a set of fungible printable tokens for each original. Both releases share a common mathematical foundation, but differ in artwork, music and relationship curve structure. Each original NFT has a limited set of prints, the cost of which is determined by the gluing curve.


Euler Beats Enigma

Description of the Euler Beats Enigma

The token is a work of art. EulerBeats is an elaborate and creative ensemble of math, art, music, royalties, instant liquid tokens and scarcity in a neat digital package. If the EulerBeats website ever goes down, you can use seed and script to create your art and rhythm. The Treum team has pushed the boundaries of NFT storage "on the web" by putting the "recipe" for art, music and economics on the Ethereum block. It contrasts with many NFT projects that only store token carriers in decentralized storage like IPFS or even centralized cloud storage.

Some features:

1. Euler Record originals are extremely rare NFT and are limited to 27 copies for Enigma and Genesis.
2. Originals give birth to new art + rhythm, based on the common Euler function. The initial value of the token is generated on the chain.
3. Nobody knows the appearance and sound of a token until it is minted. Genesis and Enigma's music and art designs are unique.

Originals buyers should not need any additional incentive beyond the historical significance and uniqueness of NFT EulerBeats in the arts and music. At the same time, all EulerBeats Original holders will receive 8% of the printing cost for each sold copy of the original token that they own. Royalties have an automatic payment as they run on the smart contract and anybody can change them.

In addition to the fees, the original holders have full commercial rights. Some original Genesis owners have already remixed and collaborated with other projects.Euler Beats Enigma

A percentage of the printing price is instantly deposited into a reserve in a smart contract. The reserve provides instant liquidity to the holder who decides to 'burn' the Genesis token and Enigma have separate reserve pools.

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