• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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What is Illuvium?

Illuvium - an adventure game, built on the Ethereum blockchain. You can travel through a vast and varied landscape in search of hunting for creatures, called illuvials.


Illuvium- игра, построенная на блокчейне Ethereum

About the Illuvium project

The Illuvium project sprang from the desire to create a collectible NFT game that was open, transparent and community driven. The control process itself is modeled on the Synthetix control. All information is obtained from several major Synthetix contributors. They modeled their own governance, based on the Ethereum EIP, and early versions of change management in open source software.

Illuvials have unique characteristics, classes and traits. Your victory directly depends on the performance of the characters.Illuvium

lluvium - an NFT collectible RPG and autobattle. There is an RPG where you can mine, collect, capture and fight illuvials. After the team is assembled, you can join the autobattle battle to defeat your opponents.

Purpose of the game

The main goal of the game - to create your ideal team and strategy. This way, you will be able to outsmart and antagonize your opponents to take your place in the competition.

There are a number of advantages of this platform:

Huge roster of characters More than 100 illuvials inhabit the alien world. Each of them has different qualities, classes and abilities. Upgrade your illuvials and discover more powerful forms.
Supported by blockchain Store illuvials on the blockchain. Compare stats with your friends and flaunt your rare shiny, space and holographic collectibles.
Say goodbye to gas charges Enjoy the new era of NFT with Immutable X integration. No gas charges for peer-to-peer trading with instant transactions while keeping your assets secure.

Since Illuvium is conceived as the world's first AAA decentralized game, the mission of the project - to distribute tokens among a large number of active and interested project participants. This ensures that decisions about the future of the project are made by those with a common goal of healthy and long-term success.

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You can also find out more information in the Whitepaper section. Information about the investigation of risks and vulnerabilities is available in the Audit section.

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