- dapp.expert
Category: Others Blockchain: Ethereum Language: English Platform: Web
Location: London

KnownOrigin - a platform for promoting artists

KnownOrigin.io - a platform for designers and other artists. The power of the Ethereum blockchain and the integrity of digital assets help to improve proof of ownership, provenance and authenticity. This, for example, greatly reduces the likelihood of artwork being counterfeited.


KnownOrigin dapps

About the KnownOrigin platform

KnownOrigin.io regularly hosts galleries, featuring a wide range of artists and other creative people. The developers do not indicate which works should be added, as they believe that users should independently choose what to upload. The platform allows people to own original art, related to a digital asset. Plus, you can shop through KnownOrigin.io, using the built-in marketplace.

Distribution of income:

  • 61% goes to artists;
  • 24% to the creators of KnownOrigin ™;
  • 15% - to partners in a smart contract.

The KODA (Known Origin Digital Asset) smart contract is valid for all galleries and events.

Digital assets

Firstly, digital assets can be embedded in the blockchain, providing an immutable, trustworthy source of ownership. This allows the participant to verify the origin of the asset and that it has all required parts. Secondly, you can make sure that only a certain amount of artwork exists. In addition, the distributed ledger, provided through the blockchain, records the data of the artist and the new owner, this protects any investment.

Developers do not provide white paper and roadmap. Therefore, you can familiarize yourself with the rules for using the project on the website or by asking a question via social networks or mail. The most active social network, run by developers, is considered to be Twitter, news is available here and the number of subscribers is already more than 4000 people. There are no promotions, bonuses and referral systems here. Also, the creators of the project do not provide information about the presence of an audit of a smart contract.

What is a dapp project based on?

Each digital asset has a limited supply (circulation). In addition, each issue in the publication is tracked separately in the ledger.

Platform statistics:

Sold work 11226️
Editions 4017
Total ETH 1016,77
Number of artists 300

No matter how many times digital assets are bought and sold, the information about the original purchase is documented and cannot be changed. This creates a consistently reliable supply chain.

This technology means the platform can reduce counterfeiting and create more ethical payment methods for artists.KnownOrigin

Known Origin.io brings together pop-up gallery events and blockchain technology to allow artists to exhibit and sell their work. You can buy an artwork at the event, using cryptocurrency through a decentralized application (Dapp) such as CipherBrowser. Each item has a QR code so that the client can make transactions, using their own personal and secure Ethereum wallet.

KnownOrigin - a platform for promoting artists Statistics

24 hr: 3
Total: 35.474
(2400 days)
ATH: 189
(Aug 26, 2021)
24 hr: 0
Total: 1.227.610
(2400 days)
ATH: 188.838
(Mar 4, 2022)
24 hr: 4
Total: 67.499
(2400 days)
ATH: 467
(Aug 28, 2021)

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