• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M


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Social media


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6 minutes ago

What is MBN.global?

MBN.global - a decentralized financial ecosystem. It solves the problems of the asset management market, due to which traders and investors lose their assets. For example, due to fraudulent activities and lack of transparency.


  1. Description of MBN.global
  2. Platform token
  3. Company updates

MBN.global dapp

Description of MBN.global

MBN.global invented the idea of assets under management. The company offers safe trading and asset management through smart contracts, a transparent trader’s history, noted on the blockchain, and other tools for traders and investors.

The company created this platform because it believes in a convenient and safe cryptocurrency market. Blockchain technology has given everyone the opportunity to work transparently and maintain peace of mind.MBN.global

The platform was launched in January 2020. Based on a functioning ecosystem, several additional services will be created. Membrana platform already allows the use of MBN tokens with the ultimate user functionality. You have the opportunity to access assets in the MBN.global management ecosystem and discover advanced trading tools that help fund managers to make informed decisions. In addition, the platform rewards MBN and ETH users with its bidding program.

Platform token

The company focuses on the token, as an element of the internal ecosystem of the functioning of the product. Simply put, they create a product, where the coin plays a major role.

The currency development:

  • the first made thing by the company - offered bid;
  • the second thing they have been preparing for a long time - service plans for all users of the MBN.global ecosystem.

The MBN platform will remain free, thanks to its currency, you can unlock additional features. In the next update, which is scheduled for September, the company will release 3 tariff plans: free, premium and pro. Payment is made in MBN tokens, based on the current market price. If you have any questions, you can study the White paper companies.

Company updates

The company is trying to increase its benefits with each update. What awaits you next:

Social networks Traders are invited to confirm their accounts via Telegram to be displayed in the list of verified traders. You can receive notifications in Telegram about the status of orders (completed, canceled) and applications for investment contracts.
Tokens In the next updates, the following utilities for the MBN token will be created: providing margin trading, PRO-trading tools (Asset Group, Analyzer, Ladder Order), joining a community-managed fund, trading competitions, creating Trading Bots.

For future token use updates, the company is preparing a major update to the COF ecosystem. This will be a method of accessing COF and will also act as collateral for contracts. Further details will appear in future COF announcements in the telegram channel.

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