• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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Mythical Token

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What is Mythical Token?

Mythical Token is designed to be a unique and exciting ERC20 token on the Ethereum Blockchain. There is no ICO or pre-sale, the only distribution method is a random airdrop. Randomness means that they are not planned and do not follow a real pattern, they can happen anywhere, anytime.


Mythical Token dapp

Description of the Mythical Token project

Any user can receive their share of the Mythical Token. To do this, you need to participate in airdrops, which often take place on social media such as Twitter, Discord or Reddit. They can also happen to a group of addresses that have been selected for any reason. Once the total supply reaches 1.5 million tokens, all minted airdrops will stop.

The developers offer 2 games:

  • Dice;
  • Bombs.

Dice - the only way to mint fresh tokens. Each time you receive a token is burned if you win fresh tokens are minted.

The developers also plan to implement further games as they progress.Mythical Token

Spend and win Mythical by tickling bombs. Each ticket tickles the bomb once, each bomb has a change to detonate on each tickle (determined by the rate of explosion), resulting in the last tickler of the bomb (the one that caused it to explode) gets the entire pot.

There are 3 types of bombs in the game:

1. Tiny Bomb.
2. Fast Bomb.
3. Big Bomb.

Choose your bet and expected payout, check the stats below, if that's what you wanted then choose between "low" or "high". The 0.0008 ETH fee - to pay the oracle for a random number. 1% of the fee goes to the master of the game.

More about gambling dapp

The site has a White Paper. Therefore, you can study the features of the project and descriptions of the games easily.

To keep abreast of all innovations, subscribe to the community on the following social networks:

  • twitter (follow the project for regular updates, Airdrops and other details);
  • discord (discuss MYTH, join Airdrops events and get other useful information).

You can verify the integrity of the project by examining the audit of a smart contract on the Etherscan website.

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