• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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OKX NFT Marketplace

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What is OKX NFT Marketplace?

OKX NFT Marketplace — the leading cryptocurrency exchange. The developers offer blockchain-based financial services for traders from all over the world. Discover hundreds of cryptocurrencies and trading pairs. With OKX, you get access to one of the leading exchanges in terms of trading volume. The platform serves millions of users in more than 100 countries. The daily trading volume of BTC futures is $1.5 billion. It also offers spot and margin trading, options, perpetual swaps, DeFi, lending and mining.


OKX NFT Marketplace - exchange with various NFT collections

About OKX NFT Marketplace

The world's largest and most diverse cryptocurrency marketplace, OKX is where global crypto traders, miners and institutional investors manage crypto assets, expand investment opportunities and hedge risk. The developers provide spot trading and derivatives trading, including futures, perpetual swaps and options on major cryptocurrencies, offering investors more flexibility in formulating their strategies to maximize profits and mitigate risk.

OKX is using blockchain to build the next generation financial ecosystem. Developers strive to overcome financial barriers, develop the global economy and change the world for the better.OKX NFT Marketplace

Safety — the top priority. OKX maintains a safe, secure and stable environment for trading cryptocurrencies on web and mobile apps. The team uses server load balancing, distributed clusters and other technologies to protect you. Products and services always take into account your needs and wishes.

The site features:

1. Explore the world of DeFi, dapps, NFTs and blockchain gaming.

Instantly convert over 30 local currencies to BTC, ETH, USDT or other cryptocurrencies, using a credit card or other payment method.


Get high yields and early access to new tokens, join a mining pool or use your own crypto assets to get a low interest loan.

You do not need to be verified to fund your account or trade cryptocurrency on OKX. But if you buy cryptocurrency from project partners, you may need to go through verification. Identity verification is only needed to withdraw funds above a certain amount.

Why should you choose this exchange?

OKX — the leading cryptocurrency and bitcoin exchange with hundreds of spot and derivatives trading pairs. The platform leads the world of cryptocurrency exchanges in terms of daily trading volume ($1.65 billion) and open interest in bitcoin futures ($1.1 billion). Various products and advanced projects of the ecosystem are available to millions of users in more than 200 countries. In addition, a safe and secure environment for cryptocurrency trading is provided thanks to GSLB, distributed server clusters and other advanced technologies.

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Important disclaimer: The information presented on the Dapp.Expert portal is intended solely for informational purposes and does not constitute an investment recommendation or a guide to action in the field of cryptocurrencies. The Dapp.Expert team is not responsible for any potential losses or missed profits associated with the use of materials published on the site. Before making investment decisions in cryptocurrencies, we recommend consulting a qualified financial advisor.