• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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Bitcoin in Missouri: The New State Reserve StrategyMissouri's bill proposes creating a Bitcoin reserve to guard against inflation and expand financial operations.
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30 minutes ago

What is ParaSwap.io?

ParaSwap - the fastest liquidity aggregator for traders and dApps. The software is optimized for dApps and traders, who want to expand their exchange capabilities or make ERC-20 payments, receiving the best market price. The user has the ability to compare prices without making any effort.


  1. ParaSwap - what is it?
  2. How does a decentralized dapp work?
  3. Supported blockchain exchanges

paraswap dex

ParaSwap - what is it?

ParaSwap - the decentralized exchange aggregator. It combines a number of decentralized exchanges in one place. Thus, the user can compare prices of different exchanges on one page. When the user makes an exchange, the service splits orders on several exchanges into one optimized and safe transaction. The resource also uses GasToken.io (GST2), so network fees are very low. Therefore, several obvious advantages can be noted:

  • The service is free and doesn’t charge any transaction fees;
  • Resource users have guarantees for coverage of up to 1000 ETH.

This insurance works if the funds are lost during the payment or due to an error in the smart contract during the swap operation. The coverage uses a Nexus Mutual, which is an insurance alternative, fully included in the chain.

We also provide a software, including API / SDKs and smart contracts, which allow dApp applications to optimize exchanges and payments. ParaSwap.io

How does a decentralized dapp work?

Even people, who have never encountered it, can use the aggregator. To make an exchange, the user selects the desired pair of tokens for the exchange. For example, it could be an exchange between currencies of 1 ETH to 200 DAI. After the currencies are selected, the platform analyzes the prices. It provides the best rate and liquidity from exchanges. When the swap is confirmed, the order is executed through exchanges. Moreover, you can verify the transaction on the official website directly.

Supported blockchain exchanges

The exchange aggregator analyzes the offers from different exchanges that are presented on the site.Thanks to the competitive prices, users have the opportunity to save money and make exchanges in a short time. Let’s consider the exchanges, presented on the service:

Kyber CIty kyber.network
Bancor bancor.network
Uniswap uniswap.exchange
Oasis oasis.app
Curve curve.fi
0x 0x.org

The resource uses 0x Mesh to access the largest set of orders, available via the 0x protocol. As you can see, the ParaSwap exchange aggregator is a reliable and convenient way to save time and money on the currency exchanges.

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Important disclaimer: The information presented on the Dapp.Expert portal is intended solely for informational purposes and does not constitute an investment recommendation or a guide to action in the field of cryptocurrencies. The Dapp.Expert team is not responsible for any potential losses or missed profits associated with the use of materials published on the site. Before making investment decisions in cryptocurrencies, we recommend consulting a qualified financial advisor.