• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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What is Pixelmon?

Pixelmon - unique creatures that come in all shapes, sizes and different types. Traveling with you in the virtual world, Pixelmon form the basis of the planet and the gaming ecosystem. They can be caught in the game, collected, trained, played with and sold and bought as NFTs.


Pixelmon - collector's edition and gaming metaverse on the blockchain

Pixelmon game metaverse

Pixelmon's planet is large, with many unclaimed tracts of land that could be prosperous for trainers who choose to settle there. First generation owners will be eligible for a free allocation of Pixelmon land. This Land will be located in one of four key regions: Water, Air, Fire and Earth, providing its owners with many unique benefits.

The project is committed to creating amazing gaming experiences for everyone.Developers

Trainers — the ones who make the most of their Pixelmon and improve it. Each trainer is unique due to your choice of weapons, armor and equipment. Training for a set period of time will give the owner the opportunity to improve their NFTs. You will be able to unlock both visual and auditory enhancements to your NFTs by starting training on the website and not transferring NFTs from your wallet during the training period.

How to start training your characters:

1. First go to staking.pixelmon.ai or if you are already on the web page, connect your Metamask wallet. Click the "Start Learning" button in the lower right corner to open a list of all Pixelmon, stored in the connected wallet.
2. The training status of each Pixelmon will appear in this list.
3. Once you have selected the Pixelmon NFTs you want to train, click "Train" again in the bottom right corner of the screen.

The training is completely free and there are no transaction fees, involved in the process of locking or unlocking your Pixelmon.

More about defi app on Ethereum

During the creation of the Pixelmon metaverse, the project team focused on the integration of various tools for earning ETH and in-game NFTs. For example, the developers offered users to upgrade their pixelmons and use them to fight the "monsters" of other visitors to the digital world.

Also, the players, as planned by the creators, should have access to create their own games on digital land. An alternative is the construction, with the aim of subsequent sale, of virtual real estate in the metaverse of the project. The developers have noticed that they do not plan to stop developing a version of Pixelmon only for a personal computer. There are plans to open access to the gaming metaverse, including through the Xbox and PlayStation consoles.

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