• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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Slotie NFT

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What is Slotie NFT?

Slotie NFT — your ticket to the largest and fastest growing blockchain online casino network. Sloties slot machines open access to the new world of Defi Gambling, as the number of participants is only 10,000 VIPs.

  1. About Slotie NFT
  2. More about NFT dapp

Slotie NFT

About Slotie NFT

Sloties provide proof of ownership of the Ethereum blockchain and run on the ERC-721 standard. Sloties is not only a regular community, but also real benefits in over 150 casinos around the world. This is no ordinary slot machine, this is your home and your rules.

Each Slotie NFT is one of a kind, with varying degrees of rarity. And unlike other NFTs, the rarity of your Slotie will determine your share of Exclusive Holders Rewards. The less often your Slotie is, the more rewards it will bring.Slotie NFT

After the integration of a new online slot themed Slotie into a crypto casino, developers will receive about 12% commission from each partner. 80% of this money goes to Slоtie NFT holders.

Other features:

1 Slotie owners will become VIP members of each of the 150+ casinos we partner with and receive up to 20% profit.
2 Slоtie holders can breed their Slotie to create another series of NFTs, called Junior Sloties.
3 Owning a Junior Slotie literally doubles the reward for a Slotie owner. You will need 1800 WATT and 2 breeding slots.

WATTs — a token that acts like energy in the Sloties world. WATTs are generated daily. Each Slotie owner receives 10 WATT tokens per day. Slоtie holders can win WATT, cash ($ 10,000 per week), NFT or free spins on the weekly slot machine. Any Slotie owner can enter the slot and try their luck.

More about NFT dapp

The site contains a complete description of the new nft project and the features of working with it. Also, the developers have published a WhitePaper for comfortable use. RoadMap notes a plan for further development.

If you want to stay up to date with all innovations, subscribe to the community on these social networks:

You can also leave your e-mail address on the site to receive a newsletter with project news. The smart contract has not been audited. The entire NFT collection is on display at the OpenSea.

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