• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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What is Supremacy?

Supremacy — a revolutionary sustainable metaverse, where AI-controlled war machines take each other down in a 24/7 battle arena.


Supremacy - fight with war machines and get rewards in the form of tokens

About Supremacy

In 2149, governments have fallen and the world has become a battleground for AI-controlled factions. Swear allegiance to your faction, influence their battles and earn. SUPS Tokens — your economic power in the Supreme game, from voting and influencing the war through in-game purchases in the Battle Arena, to purchasing the War Machine NFTS, and later supporting the entire in-game economy. Travel to the heart of the world of Supremacy, and if you can survive, the in-game rewards will bring glory to your battle.

Fighting vehicles are controlled by artificial intelligence and armed to the teeth. They have weapons, armor, control systems and expansion slots. Machines the size of an apartment building are designed to wreak havoc and inflict maximum damage. Starting with base models, citizens will use in-game tokens to upgrade their war machines, adding better weapons, stronger armor, offensive and defensive systems, and AI pilots.

The gaming platforms of the Supremacy Metaverse are an initiative of the Ninja Syndicate. A software development studio, specializing in game development, based in Australia.Supremacy

Supremacy — a candidate to launch the XSYN network, a set of integration tools and game mechanics, built for the metaverse. XSYN allows developers and game owners to join the future of the Internet.

Gameplay features

Battle Arena — a live streaming of player-owned AI-controlled NFTs, battling for victory in fast-paced battles. Players can earn rewards by unlocking multipliers for various in-game achievements.

As a citizen, you can join one of three factions:

1. Red Mountain.
2. Zaibatsu.
3. Boston Cybernetics.

You will stay with your faction for a while, so choose wisely. Once you have joined a faction, your mission - to support it in combat. You can influence the course of the battle by spending your $SUPS on in-game activities such as combat abilities, nukes, airstrikes and repairs that are used by the citizen whose vote provides the ability for their faction.

By spending $SUPS and earning in-game achievements, you can unlock multipliers that will earn you a share of the spoils of war. Spoils of war are funded by spending all citizens on combat and faction abilities. All $SUPS, spent on Battle Arena abilities, are constantly pooled as the battle rages on.

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