Yeticoin  Social -
Category: Social Blockchain: Ethereum Language: English Platform: Web

Yeticoin - become the best version of yourself

Yeticoin — a supportive community of people of all ages and backgrounds. Its goal - to create an environment, where people can achieve their health goals. The team will help to keep you motivated, push you to work harder and encourage you to stay committed to your fitness goals.


Yeticoin движение

Information about the Yeticoin project

YetiCoin — a movement that combines a love of sports and fitness with a passion for crypto, helping today's youth to become more active and social.

We live by our motto - we turn doubters into believers. Yeticoin

The creators believe in promoting healthy lifestyles, connecting with underserved communities and building the strongest crypto community through their core values.


Treasury wallet Continuous growth is very important, which is why the company allocated 5% for marketing, development, partnerships, buyouts and incineration.
Redistribution All long-term holders must be rewarded and 1% of all transactions will be redistributed to the holders.
Restrictions As an anti-dumping mechanism and to prevent significant manipulation of whale prices, all wallets are capped at 2.5%.
General offer The total supply is 1 quadrillion and is distributed to 100% of the liquidity pool and LP tokens are burned.

A proprietary decentralized exchange, created by the Yeti team, that allows people to buy and sell digital assets across the entire Ethereum network in a zen state.

More about defi app

Browse and shop online and help Yeti to become a global brand. The company offers a wide range of clothing. To be among the first to receive quality and information about the application, join the exclusive Discord group by becoming Yeti Gym Bruh! All you have to do - find your favorite Yeti from the NFT collection, buy at least one and enjoy the benefits. The team is currently working on the development of the Move2Earn app, which will reward its users who are actively burning calories (moving, running, exercising) by distributing weekly rewards in Yeti token.

Dapp Yeticoin
Yeticoin dapps

Yeticoin - become the best version of yourself Statistics

24 hr: 2
Total: 2.570
(2400 days)
ATH: 175
(Nov 16, 2021)
24 hr: 0
Total: 2.139.381
(2400 days)
ATH: 372.729
(Nov 17, 2021)
24 hr: 2
Total: 3.044
(2400 days)
ATH: 199
(Nov 16, 2021)

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