• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
Zapper.Fi (formerly DeFiZap) logo

Zapper.Fi (formerly DeFiZap)

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Giorgi Kostiuk

6 minutes ago

What is Zapper.Fi (formerly DeFiZap)?

Zapper.Fi was created by combining DeFiSnap + DeFiZap to create the ultimate decentralized finance hub known as DeFi.


  1. Description of Zapper.Fi structure
  2. Why DeFiSnap?
  3. Additional information

Description of Zapper.Fi structure

DeFi is a broad category of financial applications that are developed on top of open, trust-minimized, programmable and censorship-resistant networks to enhance the legacy financial system or create entirely new use cases.

Make your money work. You can invest in Uniswap, Curve and Balancer pools to receive exchange commissions and pooling fees.Zapper.Fi (formerly DeFiZap)

From being able to provide liquidity to single-asset Uniswap pools via Unipooling Zaps to preserving the desired asset risk, using Leveraged Liquidity Pooling Zaps and registering Zaps, using ENS. Platforms the company works with:

  • Maker;
  • SYnthetix;
  • Compound;
  • Uniswap;
  • Aave;
  • dYdX;
  • Pooltogether.

The combination of DeFiSnap and DeFiZap has evolved into a Zapper - one organization with one mission: to accelerate the adoption of DeFi.

Why DeFiSnap?

Both projects are very organic and developers are proud to start this journey. When it comes to the products themselves, DeFiSnap offers the greatest DeFi integration of any asset management tool in the ecosystem. The advantage of this project:

Simplicity Intuitive DeFiSnap dashboard for easy position tracking..
Contracts Working together with the DeFiZap smart contract system to deploy capital across multiple DeFi protocols in a single transaction.

The platform opens up a single way to track different strategies, while opening up new ways for anyone to compose their own Zaps through a user-friendly interface. You don’t need to track different URLs, interfaces, contract addresses or exchanges. Zapper DeFi has never been easier, cheaper, or more affordable.

Additional information

For answers to your questions, please contact the technical support of the company on social networks:

  • YouTibe;
  • Twitter.

There they will help you to cope with any problem, you will get acquainted with the nearest innovations. The company also holds various promotions and draws. You will find out their terms in social networks, take part and get to know other users of the project.

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