• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M


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What is Ziktalk?

Ziktalk is an innovative short video platform based on the principles of Web 3.0. This platform aims to create an autonomous community where every participant in the ecosystem, whether a content creator, viewer, operator, or advertiser, has the opportunity to be rewarded.


Key Features and Principles of Ziktalk

Ziktalk is a short video platform based on Web 3.0 that rewards users with ZIK tokens for social activities within the app, such as watching or creating videos. This method of social mining incentivizes the growth and development of the Ziktalk ecosystem. Users can be rewarded for their contribution to the platform's growth and participate in future app operations, following the philosophy of Web 3.0.

Key features of Ziktalk:

Title Description
Reward System For each like, comment, and subscription, you earn ZIK tokens that can be converted into money.
Video Only Ziktalk has no text - even comments are in video format.
Wallet In the Ziktalk wallet, you can store, send, and receive your rewards in ZIK.

Ziktalk aims to create an autonomous community in line with Web 3.0, where all ecosystem participants are involved. On the platform, users are rewarded with ZIK tokens for activities outlined by the platform.

The ZIK token is a utility token used within the Ziktalk ecosystem. It is mined and distributed based on various social activities of key participants in the ecosystem. Traditional platforms like YouTube or TikTok only reward popular content creators. Most users who contribute to resource growth do not receive adequate rewards. Ziktalk offers a system where everyone, regardless of popularity, can be rewarded for their activity. This is achieved through the use of blockchain technology and ZIK tokens.

50% of the total ZIK token supply is allocated for social rewards.

In summary, Ziktalk is an innovative platform for creating and viewing short videos that rewards its users for their activity and contribution to platform growth.

Rewarding Ecosystem Participants

Ziktalk introduces a new way of earning ZIK tokens through the concept of social mining. This includes rewards for watching videos, registration, and inviting friends. The platform has a complex reward system where the amount of tokens received depends on the user's level. Viewers earn ZIK tokens for watching videos. Content creators earn for uploading content and attracting viewers. Platform operators receive rewards if engaged in various activities, including system updates, operations, and marketing. Advertisers can place ad videos and reward viewers for watching them.

As mentioned earlier, all rewards are given in the platform's ZIK token:

  • Type: Utility token.
  • Total Supply: 1 billion.
  • Blockchain: ERC-20.

In conclusion, Ziktalk is not just a platform for sharing video content. It's a place where every participant can be rewarded for their contribution to the platform's development, thanks to a unique blockchain-based system and ZIK tokens.

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