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Vault by CNN logo

Vault by CNN

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What is Vault by CNN?

Vault by CNN — a CNN web3 project, designed to reflect world events. Gather NFT historical artistic interpretations from digital artists.

Vault by CNN

Using Vault by CNN, collect NFT historical moments of CNN and artistic ideas. Think and participate in important moments with a passionate community. Enjoy and own a digital collection of the most important moments of modern history.

All records of the history of works of art and purchases take place in Flow, an environmentally friendly chain of blocks.Vault by CNN

It is worth noting that VAULT creates vital moments and events from CNN reports, giving them artistic interpretations. In addition, it produces digital collecting items that owners can use in exchange for other things.

October 10, the portal said that he was saying goodbye to Vault. CNN thanked artists and authors for cooperation, noting that the site will remain available as a trading platform and tools for viewing the collection.

No more new tokens will be there. At the same time, CNN promises to compensate for the losses of investors in the amount of 20% of the cost of NFT in the form of Flow or other stablecoins.

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