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  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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Gangster Legend

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What is Gangster Legend?

Gangster Legend — an NFT game, containing 4 types of NFTs: Gangster, Gangster Lead, SWAT and Eva.


Gangster Legend - dapp.expert

About the Gangster Legend project

Rich City - a huge urban massif, stretching from the beach to the swamps, from the glitz to the ghetto. You arrive in the city and you get the opportunity to capture it. Choose your character between Gangster and SWAT. Make your choice to get more honor and rewards on your side.

There are 3 different levels of Gangster NFT. When you reach level 4, you will become the leader of the gangsters. You need to spend $CASH to level up your Gangster NFTs. In order to steal all $CASH, you will have to beware of the greedy and sharp-eyed corrupt special forces. Gangster NFTs can have base rewards after wagering and the base rewards will accumulate, based on the time of betting, until all rewards are paid out.

Gangster leaders and commandos do not have basic rewards:

1 Gangster lead rewards mostly come from gangster protection fees.
2 Whereas SWAT rewards mostly come from both gangsters and gangster leaders.

Eva — a new female character in the game, she helps the city's heritage. All future new NFT mints will rely on Eva. Eva will also play a major role in the new Gang Rush game, which will also earn higher rewards than other NFT roles. Eva will also carry a lot of weight in upcoming new games.

NFTs are required in current and future RichCity games. Higher level NFT roles always get higher earnings, if you want to increase your wealth, be a minority in RichCity. You can take the game Legend as an example to learn about the benefits of higher level NFTs.

The owner of the gang can receive 10% of the income of the gang from activities. The remaining 90% will be distributed among gang members, according to their scores.Gangster Legend

The gang that joins the game will be ranked every day and the rewards will be distributed, according to the ranking. The owner of the gang can participate in the game by placing Gang-NFT in the game contract.

More about defi app

$CASH — the governance token of Vice City. As the main currency in the ecosystem, it is designed to fight inflation through multiple burn mechanisms. This is the only way to allow players to create a new generation and improve their gangsters. $DRUG - a consumption and reward token for playing Gang Rush in Gangster Legend 2.0. Tokens, used in in-game market transactions, are initially traded by using the RICH/FTM pair, which will be the only FTM income for the game. A 3% transaction tax will be charged on in-game market transactions.

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