• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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Morpheus Swap

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What is Morpheus Swap?

Morpheus Swap — a new bounty collection protocol, powered by Fantom. The main goal - to provide a safe, stable and profitable experience for those who are ready to dive into the promising future ecosystem of Fantom.


Morpheus Swap - dapp.expert

Description of the Morpheus Swap project

To use the Morpheus Swap services, you will need a MetaMask wallet, connected to the Fantom Opera network. By default, MetaMask only supports the Ethereum network. However, once you connect your MetaMask wallet to Morpheus Swap, the site will automatically configure MetaMask to use the Fantom Opera network.

Neo-pools — one of the main useful features of MORPH, as investors will be able to stake their farmed MORPH to earn the tokens they are interested in.Morpheus Swap

Along with regular dividend pools, the team also aims to offer several different "partner" pools to also give the opportunity to earn tokens from other projects.

Other features:

1 MORPH stakers will consistently receive their rewards per second and these pools will have countdown timers when they start/end.
2 As with a normal farm or pool, all you have to do - approve the pool, wager the amount of MORPH you want, and once the pool is active, you'll start earning rewards

Because Neo Pools are separate betting contracts from MasterChef, the emergency withdrawal process will be slightly different, but still very similar. Firstly, find the Neo pool you want to exit from, click on the "Details" section and click on "View Contract". Note a contract, click “Connect to Web3” to connect your wallet. Finally, click the "Write" button for "emergencyWithdraw".

Project income distribution

The distribution for Neo Pools - 70% of the revenue from the protocol. The rest of the income (30%) goes to the Protocol Treasury. The distribution of $MORPH tokens is as follows: 85% for emissions for farms / pools, 15% for treasury and an additional 10% for the team.

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