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Axie Infinity

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What is Axie Infinity?

Axie Infinity — a game on the LOOM blockchain, where the main characters are unusual fantastic characters. All actions take place in the virtual world - Lunation. In the store, you can find Axi with a completely different appearance. Some resemble cats and dogs, others look like fantastic dragons and even trees.


Axie Infinity dapp - dapp.expert

Brief description of the Axie Infinity

Launching the game you find yourself in an amazing world where Axi meets you. You will play as them to participate in battles and defend the kingdom. Despite the fact that all characters belong to the same species, each of them has unique characteristics. The world of creatures is represented as a 301x301 plot, where individual squares are a tokenized piece of land.

The Axie Infinity field is divided into squares of 5 primary colors:

  1. Pink - areas that are open to everyone. Chimeras can also appear here.
  2. White - roads. Using them you speed up your movement by 300%. The roads across the river are bridges.
  3. Blue - the river.
  4. The area of the forest is highlighted in green.
  5. To find the savannah, you need to follow the yellow color.

Throughout the game, you need to protect Lunatia from the Chimera attack. It is imperative to monitor the state of your kingdom in order to restore and strengthen it in time. There is no referral system here, but you can get additional rewards at tournaments that are regularly held on the platform. For example, in January 2020 there was a championship with 2,100 DAI and 10,000 LUNA winnings. You can get more detailed information about the features of the project by downloading the White Paper. All relevant information, news and updates are available on Twitter, which has more than 7,000 members.

What are Axie types?

Each Axie species has its own unique characteristics. No two characters are the same. Moreover, they cannot be destroyed or deleted from your account. You can find the following categories of characters in the game:

Beasts These are the most daring and wild characters. Their best ability is a powerful and accurate attack. They can easily survive in the desert. In addition, in dangerous situations, such Axis can explode.
Fishes Their features - free movement in the water and control of the elements. These characters are fast and strong, so it is difficult to injure them. The only drawback is poor eyesight.
Plant Such heroes come from the forest. They can defend well against attacks and have the ability to heal.
Birds They are fast and strong opponents. However, they lack armor, so they are too vulnerable to direct attack.
Reptiles This is the oldest class, dating back to the time of the dinosaurs. The uniqueness of the characters - they can live in high temperatures.

By creating alliances in the game with other players, you can get rare items and unite lands. The most valuable - the limited edition artifacts. With their help, you can strengthen and protect your army.

Inside the Terrarium where the Axis live, you can feed your characters, bathe them and put them to bed. It is important to make sure that the heroes are full of strength, as they will come in handy in battles.Axie Infinity

You need to buy plots of land to expand your kingdom. In addition, if necessary, they can be rented out and receive additional income. Not only do battles take place on the territory, industrial buildings, shops and much more are being built here.

What else you should know about Axie Infinity?

Before diving into the virtual world of Lunation, you need to register on the site. To do this, you need an email address (you can do without it by logging in directly through the wallet) and a wallet with LOOM support. Next, a window will open where you should enter the data and a strong password. When you are logged into your personal account, purchase at least 3 characters or ask your friends. This is the minimum number of Axis, needed to start battles. Hero battles take place in 3 rounds. The better you know Axi's strengths and weaknesses, the easier it will be for you to win. Think wisely every step to become the best in the world of Lunatia.

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