• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M


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Sony Announces Launch of Soneium Blockchain Platform on MainnetSony unveiled the Soneium blockchain platform on the mainnet for revolutionizing solutions across industries.
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2 minutes ago

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3 minutes ago

Sigma Capital Announced $100M Fund Launch to Promote Web3 GloballySigma Capital launches a new $100M fund to support Web3 innovations in UAE and worldwide, including DeFi and asset tokenization.
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5 minutes ago

What is 5Degrees?

5Degrees — a Web3 social networking protocol, deployed on a multi-chain. It aims to allow content creators to connect with their communities and friends via an ERC-1155 compliant token, creating a simple and easy-to-use, permission-free, composable, user-owned decentralized social network.


5Degrees - dapp.expert

About the 5Degrees project

All Web2.0 social networks read data from their centralized databases, which is a lack of portability and manageability.

Your profile and social relationships will be stored on a specific network and owned by the operator.5Degrees

This can lead to a zero-sum game where different companies have to compete for their users' data rather than a good user experience. However, the core mission of Web3.0 - to return ownership of the data to Web2.0 users, which is what 5Degrees does by allowing users to control their social data.

What is the advantage of the coin defi project:

1 The 5Degrees protocol is completely open source and the protocol needs to be created by a large number of developers.
2 You no longer have to struggle with accessing user relationships.
3 Just focus on improving your product with a network of user interactions without permission.

The NFT profile is the main entity in the 5Degress protocol. You can take control of the contents of your NFT. Each individual address may have its own profile, and each address may have multiple NFT profiles other than the address itself. The NFT profile follows the EIP-1155 metadata format. You can easily set your avatar, nickname, Twitter account, email address, profiles and so on. Any format is supported for your avatar. It could just be a link to an image or an NFT.

More about defi app

The "Subscribe" feature in 5Degrees is quite different from the Web2.0 social products feature. In the 5Degrees protocol, when a user follows the creator, they can receive a personal NFT at the same time. Various contributors and communities can code it and even add value to it. The Follow NFT ID is serialized to the address of the creator, which ensures that the NFT ID is unique.

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