• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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Capx App

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What is Capx App?

Capx is a gaming social application that educates users and allows them to earn. It provides community members with the opportunity to actively participate in various communities, learn the basics of DeFi, blockchain, and investment alongside other participants, as well as become members of projects and their dApps, receiving various IOU tokens from projects in return. IOU tokens enable projects to incentivize their participants.

IOU tokens are blockchain tokens that can be exchanged for a project's token at the time of launch. Thus, they serve as a tangible reward on the blockchain, allowing participants to become more engaged in the project by investing their time, effort, and reputation rather than financial capital.



Advantages of the Capx Application

The decentralized Capx project has several advantages over similar projects. Some of them are presented in the table below.

Advantage Description
Stimulating Participation The distribution of IOU tokens incentivizes early users to actively engage with the platform.
Generating Interest IOU tokens attract attention and create hype around the project, increasing the chances of a successful token launch.
Easy Token Exchange Capx provides a convenient mechanism for exchanging IOU tokens for the project's main tokens after their release.
Flexibility and Control Projects can configure the parameters and strategies for distributing IOU tokens according to their needs.
Increased Project Visibility Using tokens at an early stage attracts more attention, investors, and project users.

CAPX Token

The $CAPX token is the official token for the Capx protocol and plays a key role in its decentralization. The main goal of $CAPX is to align the interests of various participants in the Capx ecosystem through governance mechanisms and financial incentives.

The tokenomics of Capx aims to create a strong foundation prioritizing:

  • Growth
  • Stability
  • Protocol security

Holders of the $CAPX token bear the risk associated with the protocol. The designed incentive program, based on multi-level governance, encourages participants to take informed risks as their economic interdependence with the protocol and each other provides greater flexibility among stakeholders in the Capx ecosystem.

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