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Devils Wheel

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What is Devils Wheel?

Devils Wheel — a decentralized European roulette game, based on the Polygon (Matic) blockchain.


Devils Wheel - dapp.expert

Description of the Devils Wheel

The game consists of a smart contract, deployed on the main Polygon network, with a graphical interface that interacts with this contract. DevilsWheel uses Chainlink's VRF, which is a verifiable random number generator for smart contracts, provided by Chainlink's oracle network.

The use of random number function of Chainlink's VRF smart contract ensures that the results of each spin are fair and completely random.Devils Wheel

The value of the stake is a few cents in Matic tokens in addition to the amount, staked in the DAI stablecoin.

Terms of use:

1. Install the Metamask extension and set up the main Polygon network in Metamask, using the chain list. If you do not have MATIC tokens, you can exchange another cryptocurrency for POLYGON MATIC on ChangeNow.
2. Go to Uniswap. Select MATIC and DAI as swap pairs in the trade window. Be sure to keep some MATIC in your Metamask wallet as you will need it to pay for gas.
3. Firstly, you will need to approve the swap amount in Metamask. When this transaction is completed, you will press SWAP and confirm the second transaction.
4. After the exchange is completed, you will have Polygon DAI and MATIC tokens. Now, you are ready to play.

Once you connect to the Devils Wheel roulette app, you will be able to place bets.

The user interface is very simple; it consists of three parts:

  • Bid history, showing the latest bids from everyone and your previous bids.
  • Betting area with an interactive roulette layout for placing bets. It also contains a "Possible Outcomes" tab with the expected profit/loss for each possible outcome.
  • List of bets with all bets you have placed on the next game.

You can choose one bet or any combination of these bets before spinning. There is a maximum allowed rate, depending on how much DAI is currently bundled in the contract. Select your desired bet by clicking on the layout. A pop-up window will appear where you can enter the amount you want to bet and check how much you can earn.

More about defi app

Once you have placed your bets, they will appear on the left. You can see the details, the total amount and the maximum amount you can win there. If you click on the “Possible Outcomes” tab, you can check how much you will earn for each possible outcome. To spin up your current bets, you can click the "Place Bet" button and a pop-up will appear with the final amount you have to pay: this includes all bets plus a small fee for generating a random number. The cost of gas for a full round of play is approximately 0.02-0.03 MATIC.

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