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  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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Domain Name Token

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What is Domain Name Token?

Domain Name Token - a project for registering a top-level domain in the Polygon network. Register, invest and trade domain names.


Domain Name Token - create domain names on blockchain

What is special about Domain Name Token?

Domain Name Token offers an infrastructure for storing the value of a domain name on the blockchain, based on a fully interoperable ERC721 contract. Developers always respect the actual ownership, reflected in the blockchain. Accounts on Domain Name Token are secured with two-factor authentication. Supports the use of MetaMask and email verification for every login. Multiple addresses can be connected under the same account, and domains can be separated for increased privacy.

From .com to .xyz, the marketplace offers a wide variety of TLDs for you to choose from. Choose the best domain name for you.Domain Name Token

Regular TLDs can be registered by using a domain name token, such as .com, .net, .org, and many more.

Distinctive features:

Domain tokens All domains are regular NFTs. You transfer or host on any existing marketplace.
Domain management Easily change domain nameservers via interface or API.
Privacy is above all Whois privacy is enabled by default for every domain.

Domain tokens implement the ERC721 token standard. They can be listed on any NFT marketplace where ERC721 tokens, listed on the Polygon blockchain, can be traded. Be sure to unlock the tokens in the interface before listing them, as they cannot be transferred to another address while they are locked.

More about defi app

Any domain name with one of the supported TLDs can be imported into a domain name token. The domain must be registered with the current registrar for at least three months. It must be unlocked and you must have access to the authorization code. Once all requirements are met, use the domain import tool from the DNT interface.

Domain tokens - NFTs that identify domain names on the internet. Domains can be managed by changing the name servers and contacts of the domain to the address of the owner of the NFT through the interface of the DNT platform, and they are stored by Domain Name Token SRL.

By using the services of partners, you can continue to provide content on your website while using the value of your domain name. So you can put your domain up for auction or use it as collateral with no downtime on your website.

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