FIREFLY  High-risk -
Category: High-risk Blockchain: Polygon Language: English Platform: Web

FIREFLY - blockchain system with autostaking

Firefly — a blockchain development company, focused on innovation, that creates benefits and value for Firefly token holders.



About the crypto hot FIREFLY project

FIREFLY provides autostaking right in your wallet when you buy $Firefly. There is no need to move your tokens to the site. From the minute you buy, you place a bid and receive a rebase reward. This is the easiest autostaking in DeFi.

Fluctuating APY - APY that fluctuates means you can never tell how many tokens you will receive. Other DeFi protocols pay out high APYs that can fluctuate as much as 90% per day.FIREFLY

Other popular betting protocols pay out a reward every 8 hours, which means that if you want to cancel a bet, you need to time it in order to get the maximum reward. The Firefly autostaking protocol pays out every 30 minutes or 48 times a day, making it the fastest autostaking protocol in cryptocurrencies.

Other features:

1 By simply buying $Firefly and holding the token in your wallet, you will receive your holding rewards directly in your wallet. Your tokens will increase every 30 minutes.
2 Using the Positive Rebase formula, Firefly makes it possible to distribute tokens daily, directly proportional to the daily rebase reward, which is 2.0999% of the total amount of tokens, the $Firefly token is stored in your wallet.

The Treasury acts as an additional financial support to the RFV. This additional support could become important in the event of a sharp drop in the price of the $Firefly token. This helps to create a minimum value for the $Firefly token. The Treasury also helps to fund new Firefly products, services and projects that will expand and grow TAP use cases and the Firefly economy. In addition, the Treasury provides funding for Firefly's marketing.

Changing the price and supply of the Rebase Token

A Rebase token — a token whose supply increases or decreases due to a change in the price of the token. This supply increase or decrease works with a mechanism, called rebasing. When a rebase occurs, the token supply increases or decreases algorithmically, based on the current price of each token. Positive rebasing is backed by RFV, which is secured and backed by a token purchase and sale fee.


FIREFLY - blockchain system with autostaking Statistics

24 hr: 0
Total: 0
(2400 days)
ATH: 0
(Sep 9, 2024)
24 hr: 0
Total: 0
(2400 days)
ATH: 0
(Sep 9, 2024)
24 hr: 0
Total: 0
(2400 days)
ATH: 0
(Sep 9, 2024)

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