• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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Mango MATIC Miner

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What is Mango MATIC Miner?

Mango MATIC Miner - a MATIC staking platform for decentralized finance in recent years. This project is being developed by a cross-cultural team of dedicated DeFi enthusiasts, working around the world. Mango Miner income will not be strictly generated by investors. The project has a 6-step business strategy to grow the platform and open up additional income opportunities for everyone while helping the less fortunate

Mango MATIC Miner - a profitability on the blockchain

8% daily ROI: this is a solid ROI with high growth potential, offering investments with medium risk and medium reward. Compared to some other insanely high ROI projects, 8% is more sustainable in the long run. Farmers do not have a fixed price. A higher TVL will mean more farmers on the MATIC and a lower TVL will mean fewer farmers on the MATIC. This creates a fair playing field so no user can be late to a project.

Replanting is similar to compounding, so the more often you do it, the higher your daily ROI will be. You will need to pay the standard MATIC gas fee for each mango seed transplant.Mango MATIC Miner

Mango Miner MATIC — a closed reward pool. This means that your initial investment is locked in a smart contract and you recoup your investment in the long run. All deposits are subject to a 3% development fee and a 5% marketing fee. Withdrawals also incur a 4% marketing fee. There is also a 4% owner's commission on compounding.

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