• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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What is MECHA?

MECHA — a world of endless exploration and opportunity where players can control adorable characters for PvE adventures, PvP battles or ranked matches. Resources can be acquired, bought and freely traded, depending on the player's participation and contribution to the ecosystem.


MECHA - a game project for exploration and gameplay

MECHA game mechanics

Through adventure, PvP combat and a market trading system, players can purchase resources to increase their power, thus building their own homesteads or even kingdoms in the future. This is a world with a high degree of autonomy, as the developer will invest only 5% of the resources in the creation of the ecology, leaving all development to the players in this metaverse.

Mecha Infinity encourages community developers to create their own tools and experiences with exponential rewards, provided to accelerate the collaborative development of a thriving ecosystem.MECHA

Players can enjoy the game and earn money while working towards a lofty goal while earning potential resources with real monetary value. A unique PoB burning mechanism has been added to the game system to ensure the healthy and orderly development of Mecha Infinity.

Currently, players can get more resources to develop their game by participating in the following gameplay:

1. Get energy crystals and functional props in daily PvE adventures and PvP battles.
2. Get management tokens in a ranked match.
3. Collect all sorts of adorable Mechas to battle or trade.
4. Upgrade Mechas to mythic quality through evolution with a burning mechanism.

Players can create their own new Mechas within the game and upgrade them to one of the Mythic Mechas for a better PvP gaming experience, or trade them in for a decent profit. All these characters will surely belong to the players.

The main difference between MECHA and traditional games lies in their infrastructure, where the blockchain-based economic design will truly transfer ownership of assets to players and reward those who can reach an advanced skill level or make a big contribution to the ecosystem.

$SEC — a gaming token. The player can obtain or destroy it in certain game modes. It works on the basis of the economic mode to ensure the stability and development of the game.

Modes to participate

PvE Adventure - a form of sustainable daily mining for leisure-oriented players and remains the only way to get functional props. Players will gain experience and level up as they progress through adventures and unlock more difficult fights. At the same time, they will also receive a stable daily income. The possible drop of a rare functional prop will greatly improve the gameplay and bring unexpected benefits to players.

PvP Battles - a way for PvP players to earn daily benefits quickly. This combat mode is not based on points, and players who prefer tactical battles can have fun and quickly gain daily benefits, freeing up more energy points for PvE adventures.

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