• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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Meta Lordz

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What is Meta Lordz?

Meta Lordz is a multiplayer Web3 online game (MMORPG) with a primary medieval theme set in a metaverse called GlasMire. In this game, players control warriors chosen from a variety of powerful classes and use them to participate in various game modes. Each mode offers unique challenges and rewards.


Meta Lordz

Discover the world of GlasMire

Metalordz offers an extensive world for exploration, full of quests and mysteries, characters, and dangers. Players can interact with other players, trade with NPCs, gather resources, craft items, delve into the rich history of the world, and even become a clan master.

Players can earn tokens and equipment such as weapons and armor by succeeding in battles. They can trade with other players in the flea market and craft and upgrade items during their journey to create the ultimate warrior.

Choose your warrior in Meta Lordz

In the game Meta Lordz, which will be available soon, players can choose their warrior from five different classes. Each class has its own unique characteristics and abilities that can be used in battle.

Archers Deadly at a distance but vulnerable in close combat. They require a steady hand and precise aim to unleash their true potential.
Barbarians Wild tanks with overwhelming strength but less agility. For those who crave raw power.
Monks These martial artists are always ready to strike with high precision and agility, albeit with moderate strength. For those who thirst for blood!
Rogues Nimble and deadly. Rogues can even disappear from sight for a short time. Live life in the shadows.
Wizards Summon destructive elemental energy to defeat enemies. Physically weaker, so it's best to stay away from danger. A challenge for the sharpest minds and hands.

Project Development Plan

Meta Lordz has a clear development plan that includes:

  • Testing of the preliminary alpha version of the combat arena
  • Token and NFT launch
  • Marketing planning
  • Partnership agreements
  • Launch of the metaverse and PvP
  • Future releases, including PvE mode, mini-games, social features, land sales, third-party SDK, affiliates, and more.

Meta Lordz offers an exciting gaming experience that combines elements of battles, exploration, and interaction with other players. With its diverse classes, deep world, and development plan, the game promises to be captivating for online gaming enthusiasts and fans of medieval fantasy.

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